Pasta with sausage, ricotta cheese and saffron

09 March 2012

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Gramigna con salsiccia, ricotta e zafferano

For us in Romagna the type of pasta to use with the sausage is the “Gramigna” (or the Strozzapreti) …… this time we wanted to try it this way. The result was astonishing!
P. S.: by the way is a fast and easy recipe!


INGREDIENTS (4 people)

– 500 gr Gramigna Pasta
– 250 gr sausage
– 150 gr ricotta cheese
– 1/2 onion
– 1 teaspoon of saffron
– 1/2 cup white wine
– Evtra Virgin Olive Oil
– Salt
– Pepper
– Parmesan cheese


In a pan heat some Olive Oil and put the finely chopped onion with the sausage deprived (of course) of his skin and chopped fine.
Brown and deglaze with white wine.
Leave the sausage cooking a few minutes until crumbled (it will take 10 minutes), add the ricotta and saffron.
Continue cooking a few minutes and turn off.

Meanwhile boil the pasta in salted water until “al dente” and drain.

Put the pasta in the pan with the sauce and whip well with some cooking water (which
we kept aside), and a bit of Olive oil and parmesan.
Season with salt if necessary

Serve with more Parmesan cheese on top (if desired) and freshly ground pepper